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World Waternet’s 2030 Impact Plan: doubling our SDG6 impact for a healthier future

10 October 2024

After a year of collaboration with our partners and communities, we are excited to announce the launch of World Waternet’s Impact Plan 2030. This ambitious plan commits us to doubling our impact on Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) — ensuring access to clean water and sanitation for all — by 2030 from 3.000.000 to 6.000.000 people. This initiative aligns with our core belief that a healthy water cycle is essential for sustainable development and resilient communities.


A collective journey towards SDG6

Achieving this goal is only possible through our long-term Water Operators’ Partnerships (WOPs). These partnerships foster peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and collaboration, helping public water organisations worldwide improve their operations and services. By working together, we not only enhance local water management but also contribute to sustainable water cycles globally.

Our commitment is driven by a vision of Collective Impact and Action. We advocate for a 1% allocation of public funds to support healthy water cycles, a small but significant contribution that can lead to substantial global change. By focusing on integrated water resource management (IWRM), innovation, and capacity building, we aim to create a future-proof water system for communities worldwide.

World Waternet: regenerating our mission

Our 2030 strategy reflects a revitalised World Waternet, with a clear focus on Why, How, and What we do. Our Why is simple yet profound: we believe in the importance of healthy water cycles as a global common good for future generations. Our How is through partnerships, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing initiatives that empower local utilities to strengthen their performance. Finally, our What is the measurable impact we deliver — improving access to water and sanitation, enhancing the capacity of water operators, and promoting sustainable water management practices.

--> Impact plan 2030

Looking ahead

As we look towards 2030, we are confident that this renewed commitment will drive even greater impact. To learn more about our journey and how we plan to shape the future of water management, explore our initiatives in more detail through the following links: Back to the Future and World Waternet Circulating.

Together, through collaboration, advocacy, and innovation, we are building a future where every drop counts and every action leads to a healthier, more sustainable planet. Stay tuned as we take bold steps to double our SDG6 impact by 2030!