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WaterWorX - Morogoro (Tanzania)

Work in progress

Improvement of drinking water supply and sanitation services for the people of Morogoro

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Region Morogoro
Period 2017-2030
Project partners  Morogoro Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MORUWASA), Wami Ruvu Basin Water Board (WRBWB), Regional Public Water Authority Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK)

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (WaterWorX programme)

NWB Fonds 


Morogoro is a city in the eastern part of Tanzania. The city and its surroundings are growing rapidly. To adequately serve all inhabitants, drinking water production must be increased, the water supply network must be improved and expanded, and sanitation, wastewater collection and treatment need to be improved. MORUWASA is the water supply and sanitation authority of Morogoro. They strive to radically improve the availability of reliable and sufficient water and sanitation services in Morogoro, responding swiftly to the rapidly expanding demand for such services and growing challenges in accessing adequate financial resources for investment in the required infrastructure.

Our impact

This partnership aims to improve the livelyhood of communities in the Morogoro urban area, by focusing on improving the delivery of water and sanitation services, with attention given to the poorest. In Phase 2 of the WaterWorX programme (You are leaving this website) (2022-2026), the partnership will focus on:

  • Non-revenue water and cost recovery measures
  • Connecting the disconnected by improving water services in low-income areas by rehabilitating water kiosks
  • Climate proof watershed management and water production by preserving water resources and catchment areas by planting trees and implementing awareness training
  • Organisational development in the field of human resources (including gender equality and social inclusion), and investment planning


Within this WaterWorX partnership between World Waternet and MORUWASA, the team will focus on the following activities:

  • Improvement financial position by adjusting water production and sale
  • Improving customer data management
  • Development of long-term strategies in order to become a sustainable company
  • Setup of investment programme and tariffs on a full cost-recovery basis
  • Improvement of wastewater collection, treatment and possible re-use
  • Implementation of pro-poor solutions (village pump and rehabilitation of water kiosks)  
  • Implementation of activities (trees planting, implementation of tree nursery) to conserve and restore water resources  
  • Implementation of GIS 
  • Developing awareness on the topics human resources, gender and HIV/aids