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ECDD-GIRE project Burkina Faso

Work in progress

ECDD-GIRE stands for Eau, Clé du Développement Durable – Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau" (Sustainable Development - Integrated Water Resources Management’ ECDD-GIRE project). 


Consortium members World Waternet (leader), Agriterra, Auxfin
Implementing partners Ministry of the Environment, Water and Sanitation (MEEA); ST-GIRE, Water Agencies, DGRE, DREA, CLE, CUE
Project duration 2024-2029
Region ECDD GIRE operates in 08 CLEs in the 05 Water Agencies (Haute Comoé, Noula, Bonsoaga Amont, Gorouol, Mouhoun Tâ, Djenkoa, Massili, Ziga Amont Est).
Key challange strengthen the climatic and economic resilience of grassroots communities through IWRM actions for sustainable ecosystem management and improved agro-sylvo-pastoral production systems.



Overall objective

The overall objective of the ECDD-GIRE project is to strengthen the climatic and economic resilience of grassroots communities through IWRM actions for the sustainable management of ecosystems and the improvement of agro-sylvo-pastoral production systems.

Specific objective

  • Strengthen IWRM and local governance capacities through digital technologies
  • Improve the qualitative and quantitative management of water resources for all uses

