Water Operators’ Partnership SWM - Suriname
Work in progressECDD-GIRE project Burkina Faso
Work in progressECDD-GIRE stands for Eau, Clé du Développement Durable – Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau" (Sustainable Development - Integrated Water Resources Management’ ECDD-GIRE project).
Makandra project - Suriname's journey in integrated water management
Work in progressFrom the streets of Paramaribo to the serene expanses of the Suriname River, the country faces issues ranging from flooding to water quality degradation.s.
Siraro Water Enterprise - Ethiopia
Work in progressImproved water supply in Shalla
Catchment to Tap (C2T) - Kenya
Work in progressAn IWRM approach for improved access and availability of clean and safe water.
SIAAP - Greater Paris Sanitation Authority (France)
Work in progressKnowledge partnership to intensify exchange and collaboration on topics related to urban waste water management.
Berliner Wasserbetriebe (Germany)
Work in progressKnowledge partnership to intensify exchange and collaboration on topics related to climate adaptation, emerging substances in the water cycle, and energy and resource recovery.
Eau, Clé du Développement Durable (Burkina Faso)
Work in progressStrengthen the capacity of Burkina Faso’s regional water authorities for the local management of the natural water resources.
Public Utilities Board (Singapore)
Work in progressKnowledge partnership to intensify exchange and collaboration on topics related to waste water treatment, water pollution and energy recovery.
Nairobi COVID-19 monitoring (Kenya)
Work in progressPilot project to monitor the circulation of COVID-19 in sewage water collected in the city of Nairobi
WOP Yarmouk Water Company (Jordan)
Work in progressIncreased access to improved sanitation and clean, sufficient and safe water for the population in Northern Jordan.
ePIVOT Water (Kenya)
Work in progressEnhancing Partnerships for Industry-led Vocational Training and education in Water for Agriculture
WaterWorX - Palestinian Territories
Work in progressWater Operator Partnership met Palestinian Water Authority
Blue Deal - Palestinian Territories
Work in progressSupporting the implementation of the water sector reform: from 300 service providers to 10 regional water utilities
Blue Deal - White Volta & Volta Delta (Ghana)
Work in progressBlue Deal partnership to support the national and regional water authorities in governance, clean water, sufficient water and save water.
Beijing (China)
Finalized projectArtificial recharge in the Chaobai riverbed as a solution for water shortage.
Maharashtra (India)
Finalized projectStrengthening the cooperation between the City of Amsterdam and the state of Maharashtra in the area of integrated approach to water- and waste management and sustainable urban planning.
Yangon (Myanmar)
Finalized projectUrban Water Logistics for a Greater Yangon (UWLY) coalition.
Thaketa Township (Myanmar)
Finalized projectThaketa Climate Adaptation Pilot Project- strengthening climate resilience through social innovation
Blue Deal - 'Dji Don' (Mali)
Finalized projectRift Valley lakes (Ethiopia)
Work in progressImproved water allocation and irrigation efficiency in the Ziway-Shalla basin.
Blue Deal - Abbay (Ethiopia)
Work in progressWe contribute to integral water management in the Abbay River Basin in Ethiopia.
Beheira (Egypt)
Finalized projectSupporting Egyptian water companies on improving wastewater treatment, drinking water management and sanitation.
WaterWorX - Luang Namtha (Laos)
Work in progressIntegrated water resources management for better drinking water, sanitation and climate action.
Wuhan (China)
Finalized projectBuilding a Sponge City in Wuhan to prevent flooding and water damage.
WaterWorX - Morogoro (Tanzania)
Work in progressImprovement of drinking water supply and sanitation services for the people of Morogoro.
SWM (Suriname)
Finalized projectSupport to secure water availability for the coastal plain of Surinam.
OWMCP (Suriname)
Finalized projectIntegrated water management in Nickerie.
AIAS (Mozambique)
Finalized projectCapacity building for Urban Water and Sanitation Systems.
ONEE (Morocco)
Finalized projectImproving water supply, water quality and wastewater treatment in Rabat and surroundings.
Finalized projectA cooperation of Malian, Dutch and Swedish governments for integrated water resources management.
WaterWorX - Bamako (Mali)
Work in progressWater Operator Partnership with SOMAGEP SA to improve water quality.
Beqaa Valley (Lebanon)
Finalized projectStrengthening the Lebanese Water and Agriculture Sector.
Blue Deal - Tana (Kenya)
Work in progressIncreasing sustainable access to drinking water in Nairobi.
WaterWorX - Nairobi (Kenya)
Work in progressSustainable access to drinking water and improved sanitation in Nairobi.
Mafraq (Jordan)
Finalized projectSupport to Zaatari refugee camp and host communities in the Mafraq governorate
Banten (Indonesia)
Finalized projectA Water Operator Partnership to tackle sanitation issues, scarce water availability and flooding.
Shimla (India)
Finalized projectImproving water supply and sanitation services.
Gujarat (India)
Finalized projectA salinization approach for the benefit of drinking water supply and agriculture.
Ashaiman (Ghana)
Finalized projectTurning organic waste and feces into energy and fertilizer.
Abbay River Basin & Rift Valley Lakes (Ethiopia)
Finalized projectWe contributed to integral water management in the Abbay River Basin and Rift Valley Lakes in Ethiopia.
Deyang (China)
Finalized projectWetland Park with artificial recharge water supply system to provide drinking water to Deyang.
L’Agence de l’Eau du Gourma (Burkina Faso)
Finalized projectA Water Operator Partnership with l’Agence de l’Eau du Gourma to safeguard water reserves of Burkina Faso.
Blue Deal - 'Faso Koom' (Burkina Faso)
Work in progressSupporting water authorities in Burkina Faso on Integrated Water Resources Management.
Nakanbe - 'Faso Koom' (Burkina Faso)
Work in progressSupporting water authorities in Burkina Faso on Integrated Water Resources Management.
'Faso Koom' (Burkina Faso)
Finalized projectA cooperation between Burkinabe and Dutch regional water authorities to protect the water resources.