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We proudly announce the winner of the Sarphati Sanitation Life Time Achievement Award 2019!

20 August 2019

After almost 200 years, the spirit of Dr. Samuel Sarphati is still very much alive as nominations were received from 26 countries in 5 continents. The nomination and selection process has been completed and we herewith announce the prize winner of the Sarphati Sanitation Award for Life Time Achievement 2019.

Sarphati Sanitation Award for Life Time Achievement

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Mr. Jockin Arputham, the late co-founder and president of Slum Dwellers International (You are leaving this website) (SDI) has won the Sarphati Sanitation Award for Life Time Achievement 2019.

Mr. Arputham fought for the rights of slum dwellers for over 40 years, going back to the early 1970s when he tried to stop the bulldozing of the settlement in which he lived. Out of frustration and necessity, Jockin linked with some of Mumbai's poorest women, to stop evictions and improve the slums they were living in. That small group has grown into SDI - a global grassroots movement of the poorest of the poor. Today, SDI is present in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, upgrading slums and fighting evictions day in and day out, struggling to build more inclusive cities, economies, and political systems.

The personal commitment, endeavors and perseverance of Mr. Jockin Arputham are absolutely extra ordinary, according to the honorable Jury. This award is a tribute to his merits and achievements in field of the global sanitation challenge. The Sarphati Sanitation Awards will be handed out during the opening ceremony of the Amsterdam International Water Week (You are leaving this website) (AIWW) on November 4. 

The Sarphati Sanitation Awards 2019 Jury & Nomination Committee 

The Sarphati Sanitation Awards 2019 will be presented during the Opening Ceremony of the Amsterdam International Water Week on Monday 4 November in the RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre. We herewith proudly announce the members of the Sarphati Sanitation Awards Jury 2019: 

  • Mrs. Lidi Remmelzwaal is chair of the Supervisory Board of World Waternet. She had a long career in development cooperation and diplomacy and has been Netherlands Ambassador to Mozambique, Ghana, Ethiopia and Jordan. Mrs. graduated at Wageningen University and is Chairperson of the SSA Jury.
  • Mrs. Carolien van der Voorden, Head of the Technical Support Unit of the Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC). She has contributed to numerous scientific research projects on sanitation and hygiene promotion, monitoring and software.
  • Dr Arno Rosemarin, Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), co-founded the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance in 2007 and is currently managing the SuSanA knowledge platform development project sponsored by the Gates Foundation.
  • Dr Claire Furlong, lecturer/researcher in non-sewered sanitation at the Environmental Engineering and Water Technology Department of IHE Delft in the Netherlands. She holds a PhD in environmental engineering for developing countries and has over 15 years’ experience in the WASH sector in low- and middle-income countries. IHE Delft has been actively involved in the development of Tiger Toilets. To avoid a conflict of interest she therefore withdrew her vote for the Sarphati Sanitation Award for Promising Entrepreneur.  
  • Prof Dr Ir Sybe Schaap, former member of the Dutch Senate and former Chair of the Dutch Water Board Association and the Netherlands Water Partnership. He taught water policy and governance at the Technical University Delft and the Wageningen University for Agricultural Sciences.
  • Dr. Graham Alabaster, Chief of Sanitation and Waste Management at the Urban Basic Services Branch of UN-Habitat. He has over 25 years’ experience in the water, sanitation and solid waste management sector, working in over 30 countries.

All nominations were thoroughly assessed based on pre-set criteria by the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee presented a shortlist to the Jury. The esteemed Nomination Committee for the Sarphati Awards 2019 consisted of experts from the sector and previous Award Winners:

- Sjef Ernes (Chair of the Nomination Committee, Aqua for All),

- Steven van Rossum (World Waternet),

- David Auerbach (Sanergy),

- Sasha Kramer (SOIL),

- Aart van den Beukel (Safi Sana),

- Kamal Kar (CLTS Foundation),

- Abhijit Banerji (FINISH society),

- Cheryl Hicks (Toilet Board Coalition),

- Emily Rand (World Bank, Global Water Practices)

- Roshan Shrestha (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation),

- Valentin Post (WASTE),

- Arne Parnesar (SuSanA).


For more information about this year’s Sarphati Sanitation Awards (You are leaving this website) and the first Sarphati Sanitation Symposium 2019 (You are leaving this website), feel free to contact us via [email protected] (You are leaving this website).