Cooperation between Het Waterlaboratorium and World Waternet for worldwide clean and safe water
19 March 2018Het Waterlaboratorium and World Waternet enter into an international cooperation. On March 15th, CEOs Rian Brokx (Het Waterlaboratorium) and Steven van Rossum (World Waternet) signed an agreement in which they commit themselves to working together abroad.
CEOs Rian Brokx (Het Waterlaboratorium) and Steven van Rossum (World Waternet) sign agreement at the head office of Het Waterlaboratorium in Haarlem
Het Waterlaboratorium is responsible for monitoring drinkingwater quality on behalf of three Dutch drinking water companies: PWN, Dunea and Waternet. This monitoring and control means daily sampling, laboratory analysis and advising on drinking water quality.
Worldwide demand for improved water quality
All over the world, there is a great demand for high-value research on water quality. This also applied to the local partners of World Waternet. For this reason, the cooperation between Het Waterlaboratorium and World Waternet came about. Our cooperation will kick off in Mali, where World Waternet provides support to the national water authority Société Malienne de Gestion de l'Eau Potable (SOMAGEP) to improve their laboratory, used for monitoring water quality. In June, two employees of SOMAGEP will travel to the Netherlands for a six-day training by Het Waterlaboratorium and Stichting Waterproef. During this training, the focus will be on implications of setting up a quality system according to ISO 17025 and Standard Operating Procedures. This is a set of step-by-step internationally acknowledged instructions that extensively describe in which way certain practices should be carried out. This will increase efficiency, quality and uniformity of laboratories. After which, SOMAGEP can apply the gained knowledge in their own laboratories.
A win-win situation
The cooperation with Het Waterlaboratorium is highly valuable for World Waternet. With Het Waterlaboratorium and Waterproef as knowledge partners, World Waternet is better able to contribute to sustainable integral solutions for water challenges around the world. For Het Waterlaboratorium, the cooperation entails that they can contribute to improving drinkingwater quality laboratories in developing countries.
Het Waterlaboratorium and World Waternet look forward to join forces and contribute to worldwide clean and safe water!