EU-grant of 1 million euro for the FASO KOOM II project in Burkina Faso
10 December 2018This week, an EU-grant of 1 million euro for the FASO KOOM II project in Burkina Faso was officially awarded! A consortium of the Dutch Water Authorities (DWA) will execute this four year project under the EU-program “Operationalization of Integrated Water Resources management (IWRM) and Promotion of the Human Rights Based Approach.
This grant is a great recognition for our past years of partnering with the Burkinabe Water Authorities under the flag of ‘Faso Koom’. The goal of the project is to improve integrated water resources management by strengthening the Agence de l’Eau de Nakanbe. By conserving the local water reservoirs, water for all water users will be ensured. Include human rights principles in water management is an important aspect in this project. The project will improve the water quality and quantity for millions of people in the Volta basin. This is done by training (local) water committees and developing instruments for sustainable water resources management.
Alongside a drinking water reservoir near Ouagadougou
This project is a valuable continuation of several existing partnerships (the Faso Koom project) and previous grants (EU and NWB-fund). In 2019 the Blue Deal program of the DWA, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Infrastructure & Water Management will be of great added value to the FASO KOOM II. This ensures a long lasting partnership (up to 2030) and the dissemination of knowledge gathered in the FASO KOOM II project.
The River Nakanbé near Ouagadougou
World Waternet is the leading partner in the consortium. However, special thanks to Henk Post (Waterschap DrentsOverijsselse Delta) for managing the process and Ghislain Kabore (CEO of Agence de l’Eau de Nakambé). And off course all our Burkinabe colleagues and the more than 20 Dutch water specialists, young experts and trainees who have made the Faso Koom program to a success. Waterschap Hunze & Aa’s, Waterschap Noorderzijlvest and Waterschap AA & Maas will be implementing partners in the FASO KOOM II project.