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Beijing (China)

Finalized project

Artificial recharge in the Chaobai riverbed as a solution for water shortage

Region Beijing
Period 2017-2019
Project partners  IHE Delft Institute of Water Education, Royal HaskoningDHV
Recipients Beijing Water Authority
Funding  Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Water is a limiting factor for urban development in water-scarce Beijing. Groundwater provides 65% of the urban water supply; long-term over-exploitation has resulted in aquifer depletion and land subsidence. Artificial groundwater recharge in the cone of depression caused by over-extraction could be an effective technology to restore the aquifer and to achieve sustainability.

Our impact

Artificial recharge in the Chaobai riverbed solves the lack of resources for drinking water for the growing population of Beijing. It attains sustainable water use and water storage in natural underground reservoirs and promotes integrated water resource management by aligning responsibilities of stake-holders with respect to surface water quality, groundwater, drinking water supply and wastewater treatment. By increasing groundwater levels through artificial recharge the ecosystem is restored. Guidelines for articifial recharge offers opportunities to upscale this solution to other regions.

Activities & results

  • Design for artificial recharge in the Chaobai River.
  • Guidelines and Good Practice for Managed Aquifer Recharge with Infiltration Basins.

Relevant documents

Presentation: Artifical recharge as a solution for water shortage (pdf).

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